Healing Around
The World
Healer Esoteric
Energy Master


I met Sana on a Florida beach and after speaking to her for a few minutes, I found myself confiding in her about my recent miscarriage. She told me she was an Energy Healer and could help me. Sana suggested weekly sessions to help me heal from the sadness I carried inside of me and improve my chances to get pregnant again. After four sessions, I became pregnant, and I had a smooth and healthy pregnancy and delivered a beautiful healthy baby boy who is now 3 years old.
I am grateful.
Valerie – Boca Raton, Florida

Empowering Lives Through Healing
Sana saved my life
I had just experienced a cascade of tragedies within 3 months. Eviction from my home of 22 years, my father died, and a beloved pet died on my birthday. I went into a deep depression and into the dark night of the soul. Life was over for me, I had lost everything and couldn't find any peace or happiness. I went to doctors and they prescribed anti-depressants, but that didn't erase my memories and I had to find a way to heal and become whole again. This is when I met Sana, she offered me help. After one visit, I felt much better and realized this was the hand of the divine intervening in healing my heart and soul. I started treatments and went every week for about 6 months and with each session, I felt my chakras being cleansed, and after a while, she was cleaning out my ancestral karma and I was getting stronger and stronger. With Sana's healing techniques, I became whole again and knew I would survive and find my purpose.
​Robin - New York City

​Praise and gratitude to Sana-Healer​
My 10 years old dog Olive was losing strength and control of her back legs. Doctors were not offering any solutions. They were saying that it will only get worse and soon back legs will lose functioning at all. One day, while walking Olive, I met a neighbor. She introduced herself as a Sana-Healer and said that she was able to help her own dog with a similar problem. She didn’t make any promises but was willing to try. Sana started visiting us and providing Healing Sessions. After a few sessions Olives’ back legs started gaining strength. She was walking better at home and after another month I didn’t have to use back body harness outside to help her walk. Neighbors were in disbelief. Olive even started running a little again and played in the dog-park.
Olive lived for another 2 years and never lost the function of her back legs.
Loren - Boynton Beach, Florida

I knew Master Healer, Sana, for a while and when I was pregnant, I had occasional healing sessions with her for my well-being, and subsequently, had a very healthy pregnancy. However, during the delivery something went wrong, and our baby was rushed to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), and the doctors could not give us an answer. In a panic, I called Sana about the situation, and she said she would come as soon as possible, but in the meantime, she would send our baby and myself healing energy. As soon as I ended my conversation with Sana, the doctors arrived to tell us our baby had fluid in his lungs, and he was in distress and was incubated with a feeding tube. The next day, Sana came to the hospital to see our baby and while he was on his side, she placed her hand on his back for 5 minutes while my husband and I were speaking to the nurse. Immediately, our baby started to cough, and water began to flow out of his little mouth. The next day, the feeding tube was removed, and I could start to breastfeed him. Two weeks later, he was able to leave the hospital, and today, he is a healthy 5-year-old boy.
Andrea, Ft. Lauderdale
​ My husband had hiccups for over 48 hours. Urgent care and our physician couldn't help. He couldn't eat or sleep and was weakening. Desperately, I contacted Susanna, a healer. She performed a long-distance procedure, and that night he slept until 11am. The hiccups returned at 4pm but were milder. Susanna did another procedure that evening, after which he slept soundly, and the hiccups never came back.
Alla - Memphis, TN
My son applied to dental schools nationwide but was uncertain about his chances of being accepted at UCSF, given our residency in San Francisco. Although he was accepted by the Texas School of Dentistry, he received an interview invitation from UCSF. We sought assistance from a healer named Sana in FL due to his nervousness. During the interview, he experienced an unusual sense of confidence and calm. The following week, while preparing for Texas, he received an acceptance letter from UCSF Dental School. Our family was delighted, and he is now set to graduate this year.
Julie – San Francisco, CA